Wednesday 16 May 2012

Hockey Introduction

Hockey is played on nettle, natural grass, sand-based or water-based non-natural grass, with a undersized, rigid ball. This game is fashionable among mutually males and females in many parts of the world, principally in Asia, Australia, Europe, New Zealand and South Africa. In the majority countries, Hockey is played among single-sex sides, while it can be mixed-sex.

The prevailing body is the 116-member worldwide Hockey partnership (FIH). Men's field hockey has been played on every summer Olympic sports event since 1908 (except for 1912 as well as 1924), while women's pasture hockey has been played at the Summer Olympic sports competition since 1980.

Modern turf hockey sticks are J-shaped and constructed of a merged of wood, glass fiber or carbon fibre (occasionally both) and have a bent hook at the end of playing side, smooth plane on the playing area and bent surface on the nurture side. While current field hockey appeared in the mid-18th century in England, mostly in schools, it was not until the first half of the 19th century that it became tightly traditional. The first association was produced in 1849 at Black heath in south-east London. Hockey is the national sport of Pakistan and India

London 2012 Olympic will see Hockey matches being played from Sunday 29 July to Saturday 11 August 2012 at the brand new Hockey Centre in the Olympic Park, London. 384 athletes (192 men, 192 women; 12 teams in each event) will compete for 2 medal events. Olympic Hockey Tickets are available at Sport Ticket Exchange for nominal price. Sport Ticket Exchange is excellent for Sport Tickets especially Olympic Tickets. Hockey fans get your Hockey Tickets from Sport Ticket Exchange for the exciting game.